
  1. Local cohomology, determinantal ideals and Rees algebras.
    With Jennifer Kenkel. In progress.
  2. Buchsbaum-Eisenbud complexes of OI-modules.
    With Uwe Nagel. (arXiv preprint)
  3. Minimal and cellular free resolutions over polynomial OI-algebras.
    With Uwe Nagel. (arXiv preprint)
  4. Gröbner bases and the Cohen-Macaulay property of Li’s double determinantal varieties
    With Patricia Klein. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 7 (2020), no. 13, 142-158, DOI 10.1090/bproc/56.4167593. AMS permalink.
  5. Topological Complexity of Graphic Arrangements
    Topological complexity and related topics, vol. 702 of Contemp. Math., Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2018, pp. 121-132.
  6. Polynomial Interpolation in Higher Dimensions: From Simplicial Complexes to GC Sets
    with Hal Schenck. SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 55 (2017), 131-143.
  7. Classification of Groups with Strong Symmetric Genus up to Twenty-Five
    With Tova Lindberg, Tyler London, Holden Tran, Haokun Xu. Houston journal of mathematics 39(1) · March 2011.